Exciting Announcement
For those of you who know me, know that I am sort of, well kind of, ok a lot obsessed with Pintrest. How many of you in that boat with me?!!! I thought so. Great site to be obsessed with if you ask me. This site is amazing if you haven't checked it out - so many amazing ideas for cooking, crafting, cleaning, decorating, the list goes on.
Well, what is my announcement and what does it have to do with Pintrest?????

Yes!! I am design team member for the new Pins to Creations blog.
Just one more excuse, not that I needed any, to use all those ideas that I pin up on my too many boards!!!
So, I hope you are as excited as I am about this new blog and I hope that you will check us out and join in the pinning and creating fun!
Most of all I hope that we can help inspire you to create or try some of those things that you have pinned on your boards!!!!