War Binder

We are now into August and I have been thinking a lot about the fact that school is coming. I have been homeschooling my daughter for the past year and a half. She is now going to go to a Christian school in the fall for junior high. I can't believe that she is in 7th grade already! I am both sad for me and excited for her. One of my favorite things about homeschooling, besides having my daughter home with me everyday, was using my Happy Planner for lesson planning. I love my lists and seeing my week planned out on paper. So, I was thinking through how to make a good use of my Happy Planner this coming year. I a blog post on how to set up a War Binder. I looked into this War binder thing a little more closely and decided that that is exactly what I wanted to do with my Planner. I spent a lot of time looking around on FB and Pinterest to get ideas and eventually just decided that I just needed to start it. 

I have struggled with making time for Bible Study and prayer in the busy day to day and I really want that to change. I have starting making sure that I read the word a little each day at the very least and that alone has started to change the way I've been thinking and reacting to situations I face. 

I am going to share my planner with you, however, it is a work in progress so I am hoping it will change over time as I use it. My plan and hope is to continue sharing my process and what I'm learning about God through this blog. I realized recently that my blog title is Faith, Love and Scrapbooking yet I have only been focusing on the scrapbooking. My goal for the next year is balance my focus and focus more on the Lord and sharing how amazing He is and what He's doing in my life. I am excited to expand what I do on this blog and to see where it goes.

A year ago I found this great little pencil case on clearance at Hobby Lobby. It was actually for the mini planner but I figured it would work just as well for my classic size planner.

Last year I had purchased this Walk By Faith planner to use as my lesson planner for homeschooling my daughter. I decided to re-purpose it for my War Binder.

I created dividers and tabs, this one for School information, where I will keep the calendars and other information for both kids and their schools. The dividers and tabs came from Cricut Design Space. I used From My Kitchen Cricut Cartridge.

I created a tab for menu planning. Boy do my weeks go so much more smoothly when I create a menu plan and stick to it. Then I don't have to "figure out" what is for dinner each night and scramble to see what I have to make. 
This Weekly Meal planner printable comes from Simply Stacie and you can go to her blog to get yourself a copy of this or go to Pinterest to find other versions that might fit you better. I love this meal plan printable because it also helps me keep track of my water intake. You can see that I used Washi tape to adapt this plan for what I need. 

Lasagna is on the menu for tonight in case you were curious!

I then created a Bible Study tab. This is where I am keeping track of what books of the Bible have read. I am also going to have my notes from church here.

This Reading Plan came from my church but you can find so many free printables to help you keep track of reading your Bible.

Next is my Prayer tab. Here I want to keep track for prayer requests as well as anything going on the in the world that I want to remember to specifically pray for. 

Here is the normal calendar set up for a Happy Planner. This is where I can see what is going on in my month. I really like to see it all laid out. I will also have my weekly layout after this but that is definitely a work in progress right now and I'll plan to share that after I have figured out how I want to use it.

Behind each monthly tab I will have a second monthly tab (used from an older Happy Planner) I just printed out a scripture page I found on Pinterest to adhere to the calendar side of the tab. This is where I will keep my daily scripture writing. 

I found this August Scripture Writing Plan and printed it out to put behind my second August tab. I decorated this up a little bit with a reminder bookmark "But First God". 

And behind the plan are my journal pages. This is where I write out the daily verse and then make some notes or write thoughts on the scripture below it. I have a Study Bible that included notes at the bottom of the pages for different scriptures and I really like writing some of those out as well as my own thoughts. 

I hope this can help you if your interested in creating a War Binder and I would encourage you to do so! Your war binder could be fancier or more plain, there is no wrong or right way to do it!
And hopefully I will be back soon with more to say on Faith and Love as well as Scrapbooking!

Thank you so much for stopping by!



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