Let's Scrap - Harvest House

As you can see below and by the title of this post, I am taking a short break from scrapbooking our Disney pictures - trust me it's short! I have this weird quirk where it's very difficult for me to scrapbook out of order. Some days I can and others - like this particular day I just couldn't do it. This amazing sketch put out by the Let's Scrap blog just didn't work with the pictures that were next in my Disney box/envelope - so I went to what was next in my regular family album picture box/envelope. Ah ha, perfect match. So, here are our pictures from the Harvest House. This is an amazing place in Greenbluff that we have a blast visiting in the fall. They have a lot of fun fall activities as well as food! Many years we go with my sister and her family and my parents. This is a tradition we all look forward to every year! On to the sketch: And my take: To Create this Layout I used: DCWV: Autumn Splendor paper stack Mambi Chips: "Fami...