
My name is Jamie Arthur and I'm so excited to be a guest designer at L asting Memories this month. I love scrapbooking and really love working with sketches. I have been scrapbooking for over 20 years at this point. I have two children, a Golden-doodle, and I'm married to the best man a girl could ask for. And when I say the best I mean it! This man puts up with my scrapbooking obsession as well as my coffee addiction and my love of books (which are everywhere)! I enjoy spending time in my craft room creating layouts for our family scrapbook albums. It is so fun to be able to open our family albums and not just look at pictures but relive the memories through the layouts themselves. I put my albums in the order in which things happened and I go year by year. The only problem with this method is that I end up with a lot of albums! I tend to scrap everything, however I find that it is so worth it when I look at my children enjoying them. Most of my layou...